Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Chapter Updates

Upgrade Your Camera/Cellphone Travel Photography Skills at February 2024 Meeting in Louisville

Dear TCC Travelers,

Our winter meeting will be held on Saturday, Feb. 3,  at 10:30 a.m. in Louisville, Kentucky, in the multi-purpose room of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (1206 Maple Lane, Anchorage, Kentucky). Anchorage is a suburb of Louisville. We have a very exciting speaker — Mr. Dan Dry.

Dan Dry, managing director of PriceWeber’s Creative Content Studio, will speak on “Capturing The Moment” with camera and cellphone. Dan has a career in photography working for National Geographic, the Courier-Journal and directing the Kentucky Derby’s photo team for more than 30 years. He has photographed the Derby 44 times in his career.

We will have a social hour starting at 10:30 to hear where everyone has been this past year with coffee and treats. Dan encourages everyone to bring their camera (or cellphone) as he talks about “Capturing the Moment” in your travels. At 1 p.m. we will walk (or drive) to The Village Anchor where tables have been reserved for us.

Please let us know if you can attend; if you can not attend, please write back as to where you have been in the world. We will report to the group on Feb. 3, 2024.


Bernie and Eileen Strenecky
Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Chapter Coordinators

January 2023 Update From the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Chapter

On Saturday, Jan. 7, we had a wonderful meeting at Mariemont, Ohio. Katelyn Jarvis was our speaker. She has been to 150 countries and has a plan to finish the world in a few short years! She calls herself an Extreme Traveler, Philanthropist and works in Finance. During her travels she works with the local… Continue Reading