Study Abroad Programs Discussed During April 2023 Meeting at Indiana University

We had a wonderful meeting on April 1 at Indiana University in the Business School. The program was, “Why College Students Travel.” We had two very energetic students speak about their experiences as they studied abroad. Indiana University has study abroad embedded within the courses. One student who wants to study “Luxury Goods” and hopes to be involved in the selling of luxury goods talked about his time in Paris attending top fashion shows and going to jewelry exhibits. After lunch everyone went to the Lilly Library to examine rare books and papers. We then walked across the street to the Art Museum for a wonderful show escorted by a docent.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, Sept. 16 at Spalding University in Louisville. The President of the University, Tori Murden, will speak about her experiences rowing alone across the Atlantic and skiing 900 miles in the Antarctic.

Bernie and Eileen Strenecky
Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Chapter Coordinators