Francophone Chapter Updates

Recent Gathering of the Francophone TCC Chapter

Francophone Chapter members at their most recent gathering (left to right): Aurélien de St Blancard, Franck Bernhardt (new member), Emmanuel Lepelletier, Gérard Dewasch, and Chapter Coordinator Dominique Laurent. In the background is a map of Dominique’s world travels.

First Meeting of the New Francophone Chapter

Coordinator Dominique Laurent reports that the Francophone TCC Chapter held a successful first meeting at La Maison Champs Elysées. The ten participants enjoyed getting to know one another and discovered each other’s favorite trips and hobbies. Read more »

Dominique Laurent: Our new Francophone Chapter Coordinator

Dominique Laurent graduated from Centrale (one of the top engineering schools in France), from MIT (International finance MBA) and from the Sorbonne (PhD Economics). He held finance jobs for most of his career. His favorite working years were for Total, a major oil company, which provided him with opportunities to travel abroad quite a lot… Read more »