Arkansas Chapter Updates

Report From the June 2023 Arkansas Chapter Meeting

From left to right: Bill Cleland, Steven Clift, Sandie Lubin, Presley Peacock,Linda Bell,Marcia Bingham, Jim Roles, Aaron Lubin, Denver Peacock.

The Arkansas TCC Chapter met on June 10, 2023, at Homers West. First a tribute was paid to honor Judith Henderson-Cleland. She and her husband Bill Cleland had been to 209 countries by the time she passed and attained country #210 — Heaven.

Linda Bell amazed and educated us with a presentation related to her trip to North Korea- circa 2008.

The Lubins addressed the topic of bucket lists, discussing how the unplanned events of s trip to West Africa were the most memorable. That the diversion to A lovely park can be better than the push for the bucket list — often like “putting blinders in a horse.”

And all loved 10-year-old Presley Peacock‘s enthusiasm for upcoming adventure with her father Denver to numerous Western USA and Canadian parks.

Steven Clift
Arkansas Chapter Coordinator


June 2022 Arkansas Chapter Update

The Arkansas TCC Chapter met at noon on June 4 at the home of Dr Steven Clift and Marcia Bingham-Clift. Having just returned from the TCC International Conference  in Malta,  that wonderful experience was shared . Our local topic of discussion was “what destination has changed your life/viewpoint of the world more than any other?” … Continue Reading

Marcia and Steven Clift to Host June 2022 Arkansas Chapter Lunch

The next meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter will be on June 4 at noon at the house of Marcia and Steven Clift. A lot has happened since the last meeting — locally and worldwide. As Mark Twain said, ” travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.” Further South from Twain’s stomping grounds, Little… Continue Reading