Kilimanjaro Climb to be Featured at December NorCal Meeting

Pictured at the Northern California September lunch: Roberta Solbrig, Jim Kaumeyer, Betty Knudson, Richard Bullock, Paul Lavoie, Sylvia and Don Fillman.
San Francisco area members enjoy the TCC lunch at the United Cultural Center in San Francisco: Wendy Arbeit, Mike Dhuey, Wanda Ross, Linda Byers, and Fred Omenzetter.

Cynthia Reed will talk about “Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro” at the Dec. 1 meeting, reports Area Coordinator Tim Carlson. Lunch will be at Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto in Berkeley [view restaurant Web site].

At the Sept. 15 luncheon meeting in San Francisco, Sandra Henneman gave a presentation on a “North Pole Cruise.” She showed many photographs at 90 degrees north, which included some of her swimming in the frigid waters. At the meeting, Stewart Karbinsky was recognized for visiting 150 TCC countries.