A Photographic Journey Through Central America Planned for December Meeting in New York

Area Coordinator Lynn Margaret Simmons reports that 40 New York area TCC members and guests met on Oct. 13 at Sapphire Indian restaurant, with a presentation about rail travel in India by Theodore Scull. He has traveled through India by rail four times, from Chennai and Kochi in the south, to New Delhi and Kolkata in the north. On his most recent trip, he and his wife started in coastal Mumbai and continued to Jodpur and Jaipur in Rajasthan, to Old Delhi and New Delhi, finishing in the hill station of Shimla amidst the backdrop of the Himalayas.

See the separate post on Lynn’s ordeal after “Sandy” blew through New York.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, Dec. 1, at noon. Member Lloyd Lapidow will take us on a photographic journey through Central America. Lloyd has taken three private car trips to this part of the world, the most recent in March 2011. In his presentation there will be a major focus on Guatemala, a nation strongly steeped in traditional Mayan culture (Lake Atitlán, Chichicastenango, Antigua, Tikal, etc.). The program will also include highlights from Panama (San Blas Islands), Nicaragua (colonial towns of Granada and León), Honduras (Copán), and numerous natural and cultural scenes from Costa Rica, El Salvador and Belize.

Lloyd found our complementary Spanish restaurant, the venerable El Quijote on West 23rd Street, next to the famous Chelsea Hotel. Please have a firm reservation to Lynn by Sunday, Nov. 25. Here are the details:

When: Saturday, Dec. 1, at noon

Where: El Quijote Restaurant, 226 West 23rd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Parking is at 170 West 23rd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues.

Cost: $37 for members and guests, including tax and tip. This amount is to be paid in cash at the restaurant, with exact amount please.

RSVP Deadline: Sunday, Nov. 25

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