Texas TCC Members Take a Virtual Journey to the Top of the World

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]The last TCC Texas Chapter meeting for 2012 was held on Oct. 13 in Dallas, overlapping with the OU/Texas game and still drawing a great group of TCC members (see photos above). There were 19 that joined us from the Dallas and Houston metro areas, several that were first time attendees, and one new member – Debbie Allen. Special thanks to Dick Ebrey for hosting the meeting at his condo and to our featured speaker, Bill Jones (Gold), for sharing his experience in reaching the North Pole (90 Degrees North).

Following are some highlights from the meeting: Bill shared with the group his adventures at the top of the world. The nature scenes and interviews from his video were informative and we appreciated him sharing his experience with us.

We have five new members: Debbie Allen of Dallas, Diane Mathis of Houston, Al Steger of Canyon Lake, Odile Theys of Houston and Jerry Fee of Houston. We now have 100 active and 13 provisional members in Texas.

Thanks to those of you that participated in the Chapter Survey, as we had a response rate of 11% and the overall feedback on our direction, speakers and venues was positive. Other items we’re working or still need to pursue follow:

  • Texas is so large – Multi chapter idea – need to pursue more
  • Texas is so large – promote more carpooling – added request for Dallas meeting and will include in future ones
  • Texas is so large – midpoint meeting – San Antonio – will be added in 2014 since 2013 speaker
  • already set for Jan
  • Different restaurants for meetings with a choice of menu items – used menu choices at Dallas Mtg – will continue to pursue
  • Interested in hearing more about other members’ travels – TCC forum or other forum/blog – Need to pursue
  • Would like more networking time after “sharing” to allow for follow up questions individually – will continue this + added to agenda

There were several discussions around the rapidly expanding Trusted Traveler program. Several of us have had luck and others, not so much. When it does work, it’s really incredible. Here’s the link to learn more: http://www.tsa.gov/tsa-pre%E2%9C%93%E2%84%A2.

Our around-the-room sharing of our most education trip had a common theme – we all learn when we travel. Though there were also a few additions that include: Katie‘s Tibet experience of “watchful eyes,” Barbara‘s West African poverty learnings, Kay‘s anticipation of Cuba, Tom‘s adventures in China, Debbie‘s round-the-world trip without flying even with Greyhound buses, Judy‘s West African trips, Bill‘s TV appearance in Iran, Charles‘ hiking/biking in Africa, Hulin‘s seeing China transform over eight visits, Dick‘s Army and Air Force learings, Mark‘s time in Berlin, Silvia‘s experience in Israel, Trina‘s life in Prague, Mark‘s culture shock in India, Marian‘s dancing tribes, Margie‘s Butan and Nepal visits, Cynthia‘s time with gorillas in Rwanda, and Jeff seemed to find war and hostilities where ever he went – watch out if you are planning a trip with him!

Our next meeting will be held in Houston on Jan. 12, so mark your calendars for a unique presentation by Philippe Theys (Silver) on traveling without planes. I’ll send out logistics and RSVP requests one month in advance of the meeting. The meeting dates for 2013 follow, with speaker and logistics still being coordinated; let me know if you have suggestions for those meetings.

  • Jan. 12, 2013 – Houston
  • April 13, 2013 – Austin
  • July 13, 2013 – Houston
  • Oct. 12, 2013 – Dallas

Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator