Fall 2012 New England Gathering in Gloucester, Mass.

In front, left to right: Noel Mann (our gracious host), Anush Dawidjan, Marjorie Ramsey and Madeleine Grant. Behind: Daan Sandee and Silvie Lockerova (guest presenter). Not pictured, but present: David Santulli (TCC New England Area Coordinator)

On Saturday, Sept. 29, Noel Mann hosted a fall gathering for New England TCC members at her beautiful home on Cape Anne in Gloucester. After a wonderful lunch of delicious lobster rolls, salads, fresh fruit, baguettes and wine, the members gathered around the hearth of a warm fire and Silvie Lockerova, a Czech ecotourism specialist, led a discussion about the environmental impacts of tourism and the role of ecotourism. Many thanks to Noel for all her preparations and to the members from coming from near and far for the event.