New South Korea Chapter Holds First Meeting — First TCC Chapter in Asia

Attendees at the first Travelers’ Century Club Chapter in Asia, in Seoul, South Korea

On a beautiful Autumn day, Oct. 15, 2019, history was made as the Travelers’ Century Club started its first chapter in Asia. Mr. H.W. Rhee, who worked very hard to build the Korean membership, opened the chapter by unveiling a beautiful TCC sign outside his office. After the unveiling, the first meeting was held at another location, where 19 members and guests were in attendance.

Following introductory remarks by Mr. Rhee and Mr. Kevin Hughes, TCC Secretary and Chapter Liaison, there were several presentations by Korean members, followed by a delicious Chinese-Korean luncheon.

Chapter Coordinator Sung-Won (Christian) Park served as translator. He is fluent in English and Japanese, as well as Korean.

The enthusiasm shown by the Korean members made this a most auspicious beginning.

One of the presentations at the first South Korea (Seoul) TCC Chapter meeting
The Travelers’ Century Club sign outside Mr. Rhee’s office immediately after its unveiling. Mr. H.W. Rhee (right), Mr. Kevin Hughes, TCC Secretary, (left).