September 2019 Photo Contest Winner: David Berhenke, Chicago, Illinois

Congratulations Deborah! You’ve won a year of free dues! The theme for September was animals we have encountered. Thanks to everybody who sent in their wonderful photos. The theme for our December 2019 contest is “Deserts.” Click for contest details »

Photo: David Berhenke

There are some landscapes that are instantly recognizable, resembling nowhere else on Earth. To me, this colorful scene is classic Galápagos in a nutshell. A solitary Sally Lightfoot Crab was keeping company with a gang of Marine Iguanas on the volcanic rock in front of tropical turquoise waters and a small white sand beach. As with most of the local wildlife, these patient subjects showed no fear of my approach and maneuvering to compose this shot. The gathering storm clouds on the horizon made this a brief encounter however, as we had to hurry back to the ship before the thunderstorm rolled in.


Michael Ballard, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Photo: Michael Ballard

We didn’t know what to expect from our 2017 trip to the Isle of Man, but we quickly fell in love with the stunning countryside and quirky culture. On the far northern shore of the island stands the official Point of Ayre Lighthouse. But then further out on the stone beach is the miniature lighthouse pictured here, known as “Winkie.” We walked out on to the expanse of smooth stones and marveled at how loose they were, like wading through very thick gravel. I lay down on the rocks to get this shot that, for me, sums up the island. A stark landscape infinitely detailed and eclectic, all at once like a dollhouse and an alien planet.

Andrew Kirk, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Photo: Andrew Kirk

My wife Shannon and I traveled to Lord Howe Island from Sydney to see what all the fuss was about. We found that it was an incredible untamed place with wildlife free of fear of humans. The views were absolutely spectacular. We swam with turtles, saw 6% of the world’s population of woodhens, and relaxed in a place that must be one of the most beautiful in the world. Our eyes were drawn again and again to the twin peaks of Mount Gower and Mount Lidgbird.

How does the board pick the winners of the Photo Contest?
After the published deadline, each board member writes down his/her five favorites in order and placement points are compiled. Greatest number of points wins. Taken into consideration is the resolution
of the photo for reproduction quality, if there are at least a few sentences written about the photo, and if the photo relates to the theme. These are all important!