Save the Dates: Two More Indiana Chapter Meetings Planned for 2019

Dear Indiana TCC Members and Other Travelers,

Please save the following dates for our next two meetings of the Indiana TCC Chapter. As with our past meetings, both will take place from noon to 3 p.m. at the Seasons 52 restaurant. It is located at 8650 Keystone Crossing, which is close to I-465 on the north side of Indianapolis. TCC members and other avid travelers are invited.

On Saturday, July 27, Don Knebel will be the speaker on the topic, “A Visit to Egypt.” On Nov. 9, Denny Grandl will present a program on “Vanishing Cultures: The Hill Tribes of Far Northern Vietnam.” Both speakers are world travelers and great presenters. Both travelers have presented excellent programs at past meetings of our chapter.

In later emails requesting RSVPs I will provide additional details about the speakers and topics. Knowing how busy travelers are and how far in advance we need to plan, I wanted to let you know about our schedule for the balance of the year.

Hope you are enjoying the spring and I look forward to seeing you at these meetings.

Happy travels,

— Frank Basile, Indiana Chapter Coordinator