April 2019 Colorado Chapter Speaker to Recount Humanitarian Work on All Seven Continents

Hello Everyone.

The April meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held on Thursday, April 18, at 6 p.m. at The Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway in Denver, tel. 303-698-2800).

This month we are privileged to have as a guest speaker J. D. Lewis, who will join us from his home in Los Angeles. J.D. is an acting coach and world traveler, who with his sons, traveled to all seven continents in one year doing humanitarian work. He will talk about his travel experiences and the foundation he has set up to support organizations around the globe that he has worked with.

Please let me know by April 16 if you plan to attend.

Thanks to Jim Downs for his program: “The North Atlantic 60s: The Faroes, Iceland and Greenland” in January. His photos of his July 2018 trip to these destinations were wonderful.

Other meetings this year:

  • July 18, 2019: The 30th Birthday of the Colorado Chapter! Wow! David VanTreuren will finish the stories and photos of his 2018 cruise.
  • October 17, 2019: TBA

I hope to see you soon,

— Phyllis McGuireColorado Chapter Co-Coordinator