TCC Members Gathered at the February 2012 San Diego Luncheon

Pictured are some of the TCC members from the San Diego area who met on February 4: (front row) Judy Endeman and TCC President Pamela Barrus; (middle row) TCC Treasurer Gloria McCoy, Lois Jarvinen, Hostess Barbara Jenkins-Lee, Sheila Purdy, Alison King, Jeff Ward, Bill Altaffer; (last row) TCC Chairman Klaus Billep, Charlie McCoy, TCC Past President Ron Endeman, David Brezic, Noel Jones, James Mayer, Howard Zatkin, Tony Childs, Wayne Smith, Bobbie Laufer, Cheryl and Imre Lendvay.

TCC members in the greater San Diego-area met informally on Saturday, February 4, to discuss future plans. Many TCC members in San Diego attend the TCC Southern California meetings that are scheduled twice a year in Orange County, CA. Occasionally a meeting in San Diego is substituted for one of the Orange County meetings.

The gathering was held at 2:00 pm in the Solana Beach home of Barbara Jenkins-Lee. She presented a slide show of her trip to the Caucasus and the five Stan countries. Bill Altaffer added to the presentation. Also in attendance were TCC President Pam Barrus, Past President Ron Endeman, Treasurer Gloria McCoy and Chairman Klaus Billep. The next get-together is planned for mid July.

Prior to the meeting, a survey was sent to the TCC San Diego-area members. Of those who replied, 90% prefer luncheon gatherings, preferably the 3rd Saturday. (Northern California meets the 1st Saturday every three months and Southern California meets the 2nd Saturday every three months.) The San Diego members prefer to meet in restaurants versus hotels. Several members said they would be interested in giving presentations.