Former Sarasota Chapter Coordinator Neil O’Leary Returns to Host Halloween Day Lunch Meeting

Hi all!

Exciting news, our former coordinator Neil O’Leary is in town for a week and has agreed to host a TCC lunch meeting on Halloween day! I am thrilled Neil agreed to step in while I am away this fall. Thank you Neil!

The luncheon will be at the University Park Country Club per usual, on Oct. 31 at noon.

For our new members here is the link to the club, there you can find the address and Google maps directions. The dress code is casual but jeans are not allowed. If there are more than 12 of us we have a limited menu, more than 20 we will have to order in advance. Either way we all are billed separately and can pay with cash or card the day of.

Please RSVP to me by email: I am traveling so cannot easily return phone calls. I hope everyone is having a great fall.

— Amanda Davis, West Florida Chapter Coordinator