Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Luncheon Meeting in Houston on Saturday, Nov. 3

The Texas & Oklahoma TCC Chapter will meet on Saturday, Nov. 3, in Houston. Please note that the date has changed from the previously announced date of Nov. 10. Here are the details:

  • Date: Saturday, Nov. 3
  • Time: 11 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (restaurant doors open at 11:00)
  • RSVP: Preferred RSVP is by Oct. 9 to be sure that we will meet the venue’s minimum attendance requirement. Deadline to RSVP is Oct. 31 to notify the venue of the final count. If you RSVP “yes,” then later find out that you can’t attend, please email to cancel. To RSVP, click the red button below:
  • Venue: Rudi Lechner’s Restaurant, 2503 South Gessner Road, Houston, TX 77063 [click for Google map].
  • Menu: The restaurant requests that we order our meals from their Express Lunch menu (see below). Please come prepared to fill out a meal selection sheet when you arrive. Cost is $10.95 for the meal, $2.50 for drinks, plus tax and tip = $17 (rounded). Alcohol drinks are self-pay. IF ANYONE HAS SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS, PLEASE INDICATE ON YOUR RSVP REPLY.
  • Payment: Please pay Paul $17 at the door for the meal cost (exact amount appreciated). If paying by check, make it payable to “Paul Clites.”

Safe and happy travels,

Paul Clites, Texas/Oklahoma Area Coordinator

* Note: TCC chapter meetings are intended to be financially self-supporting, including meal, venue and related costs. I keep a financial accounting of all costs and receipts. Any chapter member may request to see the financial account and documentation to satisfy yourself that the money you pay when you attend meetings goes only for chapter meeting expenses.