Save the Date: November 2018 U.K. Chapter Meeting in London

To All TCC UK and Ireland Members and Provisional/Prospective Members,

I am pleased to let you know that the next TCC UK and Ireland meeting will be held on Sunday, Nov. 4, from 12.30 to 5 p.m. at Doggett’s Coach and Badge by popular demand. This will include a three-course meal in the Terrace Bar, our usual private room upstairs with beautiful views over the Thames and St Paul’s.

More details will follow, including the agenda, no later than the end of July. I estimate the cost per person to be at the £40 – £45 range with food but not beverages. We have more expensive room hire costs as well as a minimum head count to reach. Members may bring a guest if they wish. The more, the merrier. We have much more space here than at the Zetland Arms.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Donna Marsh
TCC Chapter Coordinator, United Kingdom and Ireland