Hello World Travelers,
I look forward to seeing everyone at our first 2018 meeting at 12 noon on Saturday, May 26, at The Hive office (544 King St. West in downtown Toronto). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the immediate future with an email reply so we can plan refreshments accordingly.
As an FYI, our next 2018 meetings are scheduled for Sept. 8 and Dec. 8.

Jane and I hosted the first Eastern Canadian Chapter meeting at our home in November 2010. Our May 26 meeting this year will be the 30th time we have been together as a chapter to share the passion of world travel! Being part of the TCC’s distinguished “most traveled Canadians” group is an honor, and I look forward to more wonderful travel times ahead.
We have had many fine speakers, including a consul general, a Canadian ambassador, a travel editor, photo journalists, travel industry leaders, and of course our own members.
Hoping to live up to the high quality of past speakers ( and with Jane’s able assistance), for the first time I will be doing a presentation called “Crossing the Antarctic Circle,” which we did earlier this year.
Also, for our legendary “interactive session,” please come prepared to share with the group your top “bucket list” destination (country or city or site) that you have yet to visit, and why you want to travel there. It is going to be a great interactive presentation we will all enjoy.
Looking forward to seeing you all on May 26!
Warm regards,
—Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator