An Invitation to the March 2018 Charter Chapter Meeting

TCC member Michael Lawler transiting the Suez Canal on his three-year circumnavigation of the world.

Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, March 10, when we gather for the first time at the intimate Newport Beach Yacht Club.

TCC members Michael and Barbara Lawler will share their adventures of “Cruising to Yemen through the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea” as part of their three-year circumnavigation on their own 47 ft. sailboat, Traveler. The couple cruised through the treacherous body of water known as “Pirate Alley” with stops in Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, and Egypt before transiting the Suez Canal. “It was all good except for the bad parts, and we had several problems on this leg of our ’round the world cruise,” Michael said. Of course, the bad parts make for more interesting travel and adventure stories.

As an added treat, Traveler is scheduled to be docked in a guest slip for pre- and post-program tours.

The Newport Beach Yacht Club is located on the mainland just before crossing the bridge to Balboa Island. For easiest access from Pacific Coast Highway (in either direction), turn south onto Bayside Drive and continue to the NBYC, on your right, at the intersection of Jamboree Road. Note: Taking Jamboree south from PCH to Bayside is NOT recommended as an awkward and dangerous right turn and U-turn is required to enter the parking lot.

Here are the meeting details:

Date: Saturday, March 10, 2018
Place: Newport Beach Yacht Club, 1099 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach CA 92660. Tel: (949) 760-0221
Time: 11:30 a.m. – No Host Cocktails; 12:30 p.m. – Lunch & Program
Cost: Members and their guests, $60 per person. Non-members (not guests), $75. Includes wine, soft drinks, tax & tip.
Payment: No later than noon Wed. March 7. For late RSVP, call (818) 502-1988 or email to Mail payment to Coordinator Michael Sholer at 1431 Columbia Drive, Suite 200, Glendale CA 91205-3505 to THIS ADDRESS ONLY! Checks should be made payable to Travelers’ Century Club.
Parking: Complimentary Valet
Meal Choices: (must pre-order for this meeting): Charbroiled New York Steak, Charbroiled Swordfish, Chicken Picatta and Pasta Primavera.

Dates for 2018 Meetings
As is normal, our Charter Chapter meetings alternate between sites in Los Angeles and Orange Counties on the second Saturday of each quarter. Our subsequent 2018 meetings will be in Los Angeles County on June 9 and Dec. 8, and again in Orange County on Sept. 8.