Notes From the September 2017 Eastern Canada Chapter Meeting in Toronto

The September 2017 TCC gathering at The Hive in downtown Toronto

What a great meeting we had on Sept. 16 at The Hive in downtown Toronto!

First, we welcomed guests Andy Lui and his parents. Andy just turned 15 and he has already visited 79 TCC countries and territories. His plan is to become a TCC provisional member while he pursues his goal of becoming a TCC 100 member.

New member Greg Stewart attended his first meeting and was warmly welcomed to the chapter.

We were treated to a wonderful presentation by new TCC 150 member Karim Ladak, who featured pictures and stories from his new book ‘Cosmopolitan Nomad: A Globetrotter’s Story. Some thought-provoking perspective and thoughts from Karim about travel to unique locations across our wonderful Globe.

December speaker Neil Mackay in front of the NM Royal Azadi Monument in Teheran

We also had some fun offering up points of view on the world’s friendliest people. Newfoundlanders, Burmese, Iranian people and others were mentioned.

Our next meeting is Dec. 9 at noon at The Hive. Our featured speaker will be Neil Mackay, who will give us an in-depth perspective on his travels to Iran and Iraq (Kurdistan).

Neil has also offered to lead an interactive quiz (with prizes) for us featuring fun and interesting photos that need identifying.

Have a great fall season everyone!

Warm regards,

Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator

Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator Rick Shaver with Karim Ladaka and Greg Stewart