Colorado Chapter Update: A Successful May Meeting Despite Spring Snowstorm

David Van Treuren, Phyllis McGuire and Kevin Hughes at the May 2017 Colorado Chapter meeting.

We had a great turnout at the May 18 meeting, despite a nasty spring storm that dumped great quantities of snow on parts of the Denver metro area, preventing several people from attending, including our scheduled speaker. So we have asked Jim Downs to give his presentation entitled, “The Seven ‘Countries’ of Indonesia and Timor-Leste” at our Sept. 21 meeting instead.

Luckily, Kevin Hughes was visiting us that evening and he spoke about the future direction of the club and gave us a chance to ask questions. He had some travel stories and encouraged members to tell a few anecdotes as well.

We welcomed new members as well as folks who are interested in travel and are considering joining.

At our next meeting on July 20, the Colorado Chapter will celebrate its 28th birthday! We will meet for dinner at the White Fence Farm, 6263 W. Jewell in Lakewood, CO, and we hope to have lots of group participation. We will ask each person to relate a short story about something funny that happened on a trip, an interesting person met while traveling, a favorite travel souvenir, a scary situation encountered, or something unexpected that happened and turned out to be memorable.

Other 2017 meetings will be held on Sept. 21 and Nov. 16.