May 2017 Colorado Chapter Dinner to Feature Presentation on ‘Gems of the Pacific’

The May 2017 meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held on Thursday, May 18, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-698-2800).

Thanks to Monty Cleworth for his very interesting presentation in March on his trip to Chernobyl, Ukraine, site of the 1986 nuclear reactor disaster.

This month, Jim Downs will show us photos of the “Gems of the Pacific,” from his extensive travels there.

If you would like to give a presentation at a future meeting, or if you have someone that you would like to hear speak, please let me know.

Please let me know no later than Tuesday, May 17, if you are able to attend so that can give the restaurant accurate numbers.

And mark you calendars for our future meetings in 2017:

  • July 20 Our 28th birthday celebration
  • September 21 Indian Ocean Islands
  • November TBD

I hope to see you all on May 18, and don’t forget to let me know that you are coming.


Phyllis McGuire, Colorado Chapter Coordinator