Presentation About Chernobyl Planned for March 2017 Colorado Chapter Dinner

The March meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held Thursday, March 16, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-698-2800).

Thanks to David Van Treuren for his January presentation on his trip to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

This month we will hear from Monty Cleworth about his experiences on a trip to Chernobyl last year.

We will welcome some new TCC members and others who are working toward 100 countries.

Thanks to John Dranchak for the heads-up about the Denver Travel and Adventure Show that will be held on March 18 and 19 at the Colorado Convention Center (700 14th St.). Discount tickets are available on the website at This is one of the bigger travel shows in the country, with guest speakers and giveaways.

Please let me know no later than Tuesday, March 14 if you plan to attend, so that I can give the restaurant accurate numbers.

Mark your calendars for our other 2017 meeting dates:

  • May 18 Jim Downs will speak about his travels in the southern Pacific
  • July 20 Our 28th birthday celebration!
  • Sept. 21 Indian Ocean Islands
  • Nov. 16

I hope to hear from you by the 14th and to see you on the 16th.

Phyllis McGuire, Area Coordinator