Presentation About Sri Lanka and the Maldives Planned for January 2017 Colorado Chapter Dinner

The January 2017 meeting of the Colorado TCC Chapter will be held Thursday, Jan. 19, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (431 S. Broadway, Denver, CO, 303-698-2800).

Let’s hope the weather is better than it was in November! David VanTreuren will show photos and speak about his trip to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Many thanks to Brenda Gottschalk, with help from her daughter Monique Elwell, for braving the snowstorm in November and presenting fascinating photos and stories of travels in India with her son and surviving the earthquake in Nepal. Those of us who were able to make it were highly rewarded.

I will be traveling, so if you plan to attend, please notify David VanTreuren no later than Tuesday, Jan. 17, so that he can give the restaurant accurate numbers. David’s email is You can reach him by phone at 303-856-3639 (home) or 720-854-5178 (cell).

Mark your calendars for our other 2017 meeting dates:

  • March 16: Monty Cleworth will give a presentation on Chernoble
  • May 18: Jim Downs will speak about his travels in the southern Pacific
  • July 20: Our 28th birthday celebration!
  • Sept. 21
  • Nov. 16

We hope you are able to attend on the 19th. Remember to notify David if you can come.

Phyllis McGuire, Area Coordinator