Seasoned Cruise Director Addresses TCC Members in Kansas City

Forty members and guests attended the TCC Kansas City gathering in September 2011

The TCC Kansas City Chapter welcomed 40 members and guests to their September meeting.

Mr. Andy Heath, gave a most entertaining program on his long career as a cruise director. Whether it was bringing a new ship across the Atlantic through a hurricane or having Thanksgiving Dinner with the King of Tonga, Andy was most informative. He concluded his presentation with the following 10 questions passengers often ask on a cruise:

10. Does the crew sleep onboard?

9. Does the ship provide its own electricity?

8. Does this elevator go to the front of the ship or the back?

7. What do they do with those lovely ice sculptures once they’ve melted?

6. What is our elevation above sea level?

5. Do these stairs go ‘up’ or ‘down’?

4. On an Alaskan cruise: Will the locals accept U.S. dollars?

3. To the ship’s photographer: How will we know which photos are ours?

2. Is this island completely surrounded by water?

1. What time is the midnight buffet?

The next meeting will be Friday December 2, at 11:30 am at Trezo Mare Resataurant in Kansas City.