It’s a Small World: September 2016

The TCC meets up in the Philippines. From l-r: provisional TCC member Suzi Alias, Sonia Santiago, Cris Monjardin, Lee Ulangca, TCC member Linda Bell, TCC member Debbi Allen, host and TCC member Dominador Buhain, provisional TCC member Dorothy Jackson, provisional TCC member Mary Ann Sunderland, and St. Louis Coordinator Charles Merkel.
The TCC meets up in the Philippines. From l-r: provisional TCC member Suzi Alias, Sonia Santiago, Cris Monjardin, Lee Ulangca, TCC member Linda Bell, TCC member Debbi Allen, host and TCC member Dominador Buhain, provisional TCC member Dorothy Jackson, provisional TCC member Mary Ann Sunderland, and St. Louis Coordinator Charles Merkel.

Meet-Up in the Philippines
Six visitors from America got an upclose look at the life of a distinguished Travelers’ Century Club member in February, when they visited Dominador D. Buhain at his home in Quezon City in the Philippines. Mr. Buhain welcomed the TCC group with an official ceremony recognizing the first Philippine TCC meet up. He treated the visitors from America with a sumptuous dinner that included a Philippine delicacy, suckling pig. After dinner he gave the group a tour of his fabulous home filled with his personal collection of innumerable artifacts collected during his world travels.

On Yap. Front (l-r): Steve Owad-Jones, local chief, Dianne Owad-Jones. Back: Paul Biermasz
On Yap. Front (l-r): Steve Owad-Jones, local chief, Dianne Owad-Jones. Back: Paul Biermasz

TCC Members on Yap
TCC member Paul Biermasz from the Netherlands was traveling in Micronesia and ran into Dianne and Steve Owad-Jones—TCC members who live in Oman—at the Oceania Hotel on Yap. They made a few trips together and took time to pose in front of a men-only community longhouse with the local chief.

Travel Vignette
In the news a few months ago a number of articles appeared about snakes — snakes in toilets (usually in Thailand), snakes in bedrooms, pythons attacking people in parks, you name it. This prompted TCC member Carolyn Broadwell to submit…

When we lived in Trinidad, we were moving from one house to another, and I was at the new house doing some preparation. I had to use the loo, and when I flushed, a snake appeared from the inside rim, then disappeared back into the rim. Just around the door was a phone, so, keeping my eye on the loo to know the snake was still under the rim, I called my husband, who just laughed. In desperation I called my son who assured me he’d be there in minutes. He arrived with cutlass in hand! I had not looked away for even a second, so was sure the snake was still there. I flushed again, but it didn’t appear, nor did it appear with successive flushes! After a half hour or more of frustrating flushing and waiting, with no appearance, I poured a little paint thinner in the reservoir, and WOW! That worked. Snake flew out onto floor, and Peter very quickly got him with his machete. I was constipated for a long time…