Presentation About Roman Empire Mosaics Planned for October Meeting in La Jolla

Tom Getz (l) presented his photos of Namibia at the San Diego meeting. Jeff Ward (r) coordinator.
San Diego Chapter Coordinator Jeff Ward (right) with Tom Getz, who presented his photos of Namibia at the July meeting in La Jolla.

A record 63 members and guests gathered on July 9 at the gorgeous La Jolla home of Gloria and Charlie McCoy. Everyone enjoyed a catered Mexican barbecue, complete with margaritas.

The next meeting of the San Diego TCC chapter will be at the McCoys’ in La Jolla on Saturday, Oct. 8, at 11:30 a.m. The meal is a catered Greek buffet, and the speaker will be Diane Bell showing us photography of Roman Empire mosaics in Tunisia, Turkey and elsewhere. Cost is $40. Please make out checks to Jeff Ward and mail to:

Jeff Ward
13155 Wimberly Square #284
San Diego, CA 92128

Hope to see you there.