Matt Cohen, Area Coordinator, reports that the chapter had a “lively meeting” at his home on Saturday afternoon, March 26.
The Curator of Asian Art at the Phoenix Art Museum, Janet Baker, Ph.D., “gave a fascinating talk with a Power Point presentation about traveling in China,” Matt reports. “She went into depth about their museums, and what to look for, Chinese art and culture, and great travel tips. It was one of our best programs ever.”
Because of the desert heat in the summer, Matt says the chapter will have conversational meetings at local restaurants in May and July, with the regular, more formal, meetings resuming in October.
The Arizona chapter previously met on Jan. 30 when Matt gave an AV presentation on his trip to several countries in Southern Africa. His photo book was on display and discussed. He provided tips on writing and producing the books and also provided some travel photography tips. He has provided an Info File on his trip to Africa and photos are available for those members interested.