Family-Style Cambodian Brunch Planned for July 2016 New England Chapter Meeting in Boston

VisionsofCambodiaThe Travelers’ Century Club of New England will host an “International Brunch” from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Elephant Walk Cambodian Restaurant in the South End of Boston at 1415 Washington Street (617-247-1599) on Saturday, July 16. Members and guests from around New England will join us to share travel tales from destinations both near and far. The chef’s mother from Cambodia will also join us for our brunch to share about her culture and country. We would love for you to join us!

Please RSVP by June 25. Please note that the brunch will be served family-style and include a drink ($40 per person, including gratuity).

I look forward to seeing you at this very special (and scrumptious) Cambodian brunch. Lots of travel stories and good cheer to share! It will be great to catch up with both old and new friends once again! Guests are most welcome!

All my best,

David Santulli, New England Chapter Coordinator