Chinese Food on the Menu for St. Patrick’s Day Denver Area Meeting in March

The March 2016 meeting Of the Denver Area TCC Chapter will be on Thursday, March 17, at 6 p.m. at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant (421 South Broadway, Denver CO 80209, tel. 303-698-2800). Although we are meeting on St. Patrick’s Day, corned beef and cabbage probably won’t be on the menu. Sorry. The restaurant is located on the west side of Broadway, just north of I-25.

Richard Lion will give a presentation with photos on his travels in Darjeeling, Sikkim and Bhutan.

Thanks so much to Jim Downs for his presentation and beautiful photos in January.

This year’s meeting dates:

  • May 19 – Frances Pordes will talk about her around-the-world adventures
  • July 21 – Birthday Party – 27 years!
  • Sept. 15 – Special presentation, “Meet the Middle East” by Imam Jodeh
  • Nov. 17 – Brenda Gottschalk and Monique Elwell will tell us about surviving the earthquake in Nepal.

Please let me know no later than Monday, March 14, if you plan to attend on the 17th. I hope to see you then.

Phyllis McGuire, Area Coordinator