Report From the December 2015 United Kingdom Chapter Meeting

Donna Marsh, Area Coordinator, reports that the UK chapter returned to London’s Royal Automobile Club for its Dec. 13 meeting. The group included UK-based members and guests as well as David Langan from Ireland. Those attending their first meeting were Iain Grist, Austin Erwin and David Garofalo from the UK, and Sarka Kinclova from the Czech Republic. The chapter thanked Angus and Elaine Palmer for hosting the chapter at the Club.

Members discussed their most memorable Christmas. Donna says there was a lively discussion about “the impact of volatility in the world today on travel … proving that TCC UK members are clearly a pragmatic lot. We also discussed recommendations about where to go before things change, with Cuba the runaway favorite. As usual, our members were also generous in providing tips to others for difficult places to travel to and for possible changes to entry requirements to many destinations.”

Donna says the next UK meeting will be on Sunday, April 24, in central London. Check the web for location and program details.