Intrepid Arkansas TCC Members Regaled With Tales of Formidable Health Issues Encountered Abroad
The November 2015 meeting in Little Rock: Front row, left to right: Judith Henderson McClelland, Dr. Steven Clift and Charles Merkel. Back row, left to right: Dr. Gil Caver, Linda Bell, Sandi Lubin, Aaron Lubin, Bill Henderson, Carolyn Oudin, Cora Lee Brannon and Dick Brannon. Not pictured: Marc OudinCharles Merkel presents video of Brazilian couple who made a three-year RV journey from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska south to Ushuaia, Argentina.The Novermber 2015 meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter was held at Samantha’s Tap Room and Wood Grill. The topic of discussion was “Health Issues Encountered Abroad.” Included “painfully” were cholera in Mongolia; bloody diarrhea related to Nile water ingestion; schistosomiasis in Mali; horseback falls/broken bones in Patagonia; chikungunga fever in the Caribbean; donkey treks and altitude illness in Ethiopia; head-on auto/ICU experience in Grand Exuma; and sewage-contaminated shellfish in a five-star Chinese facility. Our next meeting will be in late April or early May.