Report From the August 2015 Western Canada Meeting in Calgary

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Hello Western Canada Travelers,

Both new and old members, together with guests, congregated in Calgary on Sunday, Aug. 16, as we followed up on summer and upcoming travel plans. In an effort to try something different, we featured both Greek and Lebanese cuisine at the luncheon. Members participated in a difficult travel quiz that tested geographic, historical and travel knowledge of the world. Some of the questions were met with frustration and questioning (I have some homework before the next meeting), but the members enjoyed the opportunity to learn something new.

Flo Reynolds, new to our chapter, shared about her very interesting trip planned as she was about to depart for Spitsbergen for a cruise down the eastern side of Greenland with multiple stops en route to her destination in Iceland. We look forward to hearing all about this exciting trip at our next meeting. New member, Robyn, made her first appearance at the Western Canada luncheon. Her appearance was brief as she was finalizing her plans to return to her home country, Australia, on Monday. Robyn wanted to see what the TCC was all about, and while we may not see her at future Western Canada chapter meetings, hopefully our group, luncheon and conversations, generated enough enthusiasm, and inspired her, to attend our newest international chapter in Sydney, Australia. We wish Robyn the best in her new endeavours as she settles in her new Brisbane home.

Our very own John Deacon set the bar high for future presentations. John rounded out the afternoon meeting by providing an audio-visual presentation on his passion: Courthouses around the United States and Canada. Did you know there are more than 3,200 courthouses in the United States? John has been to more than 3,000 of themm and his website,, documents his pictorial research. The topic may sound “dry,” but the history around most small towns and counties in the U.S. can be steered back to the courthouse at the centre of them. The architectural style also has a story to tell and says a lot about the age and area. I could see other chapters making a request for John to do another presentation when he is researching in their area. Thank you, John!

There was no discussion about our next meeting, but I’d encourage members who were unable to make this meeting to look at attending Rick’s upcoming Eastern Canada meeting in Toronto, or joining me at our flagship LA chapter in Southern California on September 12th. Either way, both sound like they will be exciting and members are always welcome!

As we steer our focus to the next meeting in Vancouver, I invite all members to provide feedback on dates (late November or January), and suggestions for places in the lower mainland area they may like to see the next meeting. Do you think we have enough interest to eventually have one in Victoria in 2016?

Until then … happy travels!

Timothy Skeet, Area Coordinator