Details and RSVP Request for October 2015 Texas/Oklahoma Meeting

Area Coordinator Kim-Kay Randt reports that the next meeting of the Texas/Oklahoma Chapter will be on Oct. 10 at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas. Here are the details:

Date: Saturday, Oct. 10
Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon Ave., Dallas, TX  75209 [click to open the museum Web site]
Featured Speaker: A representative of the museum will give us an overview of the museum.
Agenda: Member introductions and question of the day, chapter updates, museum overview, 2016 meeting schedule, group photo, networking
Lunch: We will have box lunches so please bring $15/person for the meal. TCC Members can tour the museum before or after the meeting – be sure to keep a special eye out for the heli-girls exhibit! Also, as a build to our “question of the day,” Lyda had a fun idea: bring one photo and describe why it sums up a trip.  So be thinking of which photo to bring and the story you’ll share.
RSVP: For lunch planning purposes, please let Kim-Kay know of any dietary restrictions and RSVP to her by Oct. 4.
Carpooling:  If you are interested in either offering a ride or joining another to head to Dallas, contact Kim-Kay and she will connect those interested carpoolers.