Report From the February 2015 West Florida Gathering

The West Florida (Sarasota) TCC Chapter held a luncheon meeting on Feb. 24 at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota.

We had a lively discussion concerning where we would like to live outside the U.S. if we had to relocate. Australia and Italy were the winners. Mexico and Central America were also popular. The issues dictating an alternative home involved language spoken, aesthetics, and living support such as medical and the quality of life.

One of the attendees, Charlene Doll, has had the unique experience of visiting both poles and described her experieicnce being immersed in the freezing waters of the poles – a chilling and unique experience.

In January along with my husband we went on a Holland America three-week cruise around the Caribbean. One of the stops was near the Mayan temples in southern Mexico. We took several pictures of this unique site and we circulated them at lunch. We were able to get two new countries (Guatemala and Honduras) during the cruise.

Our next luncheon will be on April 23 at the University Park Country Club.