All TCC Members Invited to Join the U.K. Chapter’s September 2015 International Meeting in Prague

Area Coordinator Donna Marsh reports that the TCC United Kingdom Chapter is organizing a three-day meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, from Sept. 18 to 20, 2015. The chapter extends a special invitation to all other TCC Members worldwide to join in this international gathering. Members are encouraged to invite a guest if they wish.

The program will include various social activities as well as opportunities to tour the city and enjoy its many historic and cultural sites. There will also be a buffet-style lunch at the home of Irena and Jiri Prasil, TCC members who regularly attend our meetings in London.

Click for further details and RSVP instructions »

If you plan to attend, please RSVP no later than Friday, March 6, 2015 (or earlier if possible).