New England Luncheon Planned for July 2015

During the cold winter days in Boston, Area Coordinator Dave Santulli is suggesting that his New England members think of the warm summer days ahead. That’s because the next New England TCC Chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, July 18, 2015 in Springfield, Mass., from 12:30 to 3 p.m. at the home of Anush Dawidjan — a self-proclaimed dromomaniac.

Anush has already set her new year’s resolution (and travel schedule) to visit at least 20 to 30 TCC countries in 2015, including far-flung places such as W. Sahara, Mauritania, Jeju and Kiribati among others. Anush will share some of her recent travel adventures and misadventures along with fellow members. A light lunch will be served. After the meeting, Anush would like to invite interested members for a free tour of the Springfield Armory. Please RSVP to both Dave Santulli ( and Anush Dawidjan ( by June 30. Until then, happy and safe travels to all with special wishes going out to our gracious host, Anush!

David Santulli, Area Coordinator