About the New TCC Facebook Page

The URL for the nw TCC Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/travelerscenturyclub. You’ll also find a permanent link to our Facebook page on the TCC Web site, below the club contact informationon the right-hand side of the home page.

How to connect to the TCC Facebook Page

For Facebook users: If you have a Facebook logon, it’s easy to find the TCC page. While logged onto Facebook, enter “Travelers’ Century Club” in the search box that is on the top of every Facebook screen. The results will automatically display below the search box. The TCC Page can be identified by the Santa Monica address below the club name. Click on that entry to display the page. Once on the TCC Page, you can click the “Like” icon to like the page and contribute to any of the entries.

For non-Facebook users: If you do not have a Facebook logon you can still view the entries and see what is posted by clicking on the above URL. The page is public and visible to all.