Club Notes: This ‘N That

  • It’s important that members RSVP for the Los Angeles TCC lunches – and communicate with TCC Headquarters if your plans change. It is not possible to pay at the door because there is no assurance that you will attend, and the club has to pay for meals reserved. If you will be traveling just before the meeting date, you can pay before departing. The cost is the same. At the Los Angeles lunch in June there were “go shows” –  members who had not made reservations. This causes seating problems, as well as a burden on the dining and kitchen staff. This courtesy also applies to the chapter meetings.
  • TCC Headquarters continues to get inquiries from members asking how to advise when reaching the next level of countries/territories visited. Simply check off the list of countries visited, which you can print from the website, and indicate the date and number of destinations at the top of the first page. Keep the original for your files, and send a copy of the list to Headquarters.
  • “When You Don’t Know Where You Are, That’s Where You Want to Be” – that’s the title of a feature story in the April edition of Esquire. John Richardson writes about his hike across the Atacama Desert in Chile with TCC member Jeff Shea. An adventurous and independent traveler, Jeff has climbed the “Seven Summits” (the highest peaks on each continent), and tracked across many miles of jungle and wilderness, some of which were unexplored. The story is a humorous account of their arduous trek, dragging a cart filled with 400 pounds of water and camping gear.
  • Nikos Spanakos and his twin brother, Pete, were recently inducted into the Golden Gloves Hall of Fame. Nikos represented the U.S. on the 1960 Olympic boxing team. He has received numerous boxing honors. A long-time member of TCC, he has visited all seven continents and is a retired travel journalist.