As 2014 continues with lively travel activities on the part of club members, so does the interest in TCC meeting programs. Our March luncheon at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club was an outstanding event and featured an excellent presentation on Russia by long-time Northern California member Frank Rainer. Special thanks to Yacht Club member Bill Crawford and Diane Jarrett for arranging our event.
We have a few cabins left for our 60th anniversary cruise, October 24 to 27, round trip, Los Angeles/Ensenada. Most of our Area Coordinators will join the Board of Directors for the weekend. Several presentations and special events will take place. More information here »
We recently completed our third mailing of past-due notices.
To celebrate TCC’s 60th anniversary, we have a new lapel pin, pictured a on the upper right side of this Web site, available at TCC Headquarters for $15 in North America, $20 overseas. Allow four weeks for delivery. Supply is limited.