Notes From TCC Headquarters

  • The date for the Los Angeles TCC meeting has been changed from Dec. 13 to the first Saturday of the month, Dec. 6, 2014, due to a conflict at Lawry’s, the traditional and popular restaurant we use for the holidays. Southern California members should change the date on their calendars.
  • If you have not paid your 2014 dues, please do so ASAP. Invoices were mailed in December and included a $10 increase. Please include your email address on the form you return.
  • Giles Brown, one of the early TCC Presidents, recently passed away at the age of 97. He was instrumental in pushing for the rationalization of TCC’s country/entity designation rules. He was the last surviving founding faculty member of Orange Coast College (CA). Over 800 would attend his weekly discussion series on world events, “Behind the Headlines.” He later joined Cal State Fullerton and became dean of graduate studies and associate VP of academic programs.