Robust and Jovial Meeting of Washington-Area TCC Members

Washington, DC, May 2011
Washington-area members at their May 2011 meeting: Front row (from left to right): Boo Law, Betty Ganley, Jane Ampomah, Walter Grimes, Ray Olson Second row (from left to right): Hongyu Yang, Hunter Houle, Carla Meisenger, Paul Kim, Mark Pross, Pam Mixter, Kerstin Schweizer, Michael Lamm Third row (from left to right): Derek Brown, Jeff Houle, Bill Ashley

Area Coordinator Jeff Houle reports that the group enjoyed a arobust and jovial meeting on May 23. There were many new faces and a lot of new energy in the group. Special kudos to member Walter Grimes for making a significant effort to join us, an effort that seemed to be years in the making.

The next meeting is on Saturday, Sept. 17, at noon at the Wild Fire restaurant in Tysons Corner.