San Antonio Meeting in January for Texas/Oklahoma TCC Members

As 2013 nears closure, we are already anticipating our first 2014 quarterly meeting in San Antonio. This will be our first TCC meeting in this delightful part of Texas, and we hope those that have found Dallas and Houston too great a distance will join us on Jan. 11. We will also want to provide a warm welcome to the TCC current president, Pam Barrus, as she is flying in to be our featured speaker.

Next Member Meeting: January 11

  • Featured Speaker and Topic: Pam Barrus, TCC president – Sharing her “Overland from Cairo to Cape Town” Trip
  • Location: We will be holding our meeting at a location recommended by Jim and Sue Griffith of San Antonio. The Boiler House Texas Grill & Wine Garden is situated in the historic Pearl Brewery complex on the San Antonio River Walk and occupies the former “boiler house” which powered the adjacent brewery more than 100 years ago. The address is 312 Pearl Pkwy, San Antonio, TX 78215.
  • Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Agenda: Member introductions, chapter update, featured speaker, 2014 meeting schedule reminder, group photo, networking
  • Lunch: With a nod to the feedback I received in our annual survey last year, we have a wonderful menu from which you can make selections upon arrival:
    • Salad, choice of ribs, salmon or linguini, market sides, dessert, and a beverage. Those wanting beer or wine can purchase those beverages separately. The cost is estimated at this time to be $58.94 per lunch (including service charge and taxes), so those that would like to “split” a meal, just let me know when you rsvp so we can have an extra chair but the right amount of food.
  • RSVP: For lunch planning purposes, please RSVP to me by Jan. 3, as I will be out of the country until right before our meeting and unable to get updates to the caterer while I am gone.
  • Carpooling: If you are interested in either offering a ride or joining another to head to San Antonio, contact me and I’ll connect those interested carpoolers.

Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I’ll look forward to your RSVP and seeing you all next month.

Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator