How Are TCC Countries and Territories Determined?

TCC Board Member Sanford Smith
TCC Board Member Sanford Smith

If you have wondered, then attend the December luncheon meeting at Lawry’s in Beverly Hills on Dec. 14, when TCC Secretary Sanford Smith will explain the process that qualifies them to be included on the TCC’s Approved List of Countries & Territories. For instance, you’ll learn why Cabinda is on the TCC list, but not Nagorno Karabakh.

Sanford has headed the countries qualification committee since he became a board member in the seventies. He is the longest-serving board member, has traveled to over 300 TCC destinations, has an immense knowledge of geography and is also a ham radio amateur. He was instrumental in refining the criteria that determines the TCC list and will explain events that unfolded during the list’s development. It’s sure to be a fascinating presentation!