Arkansas Members Celebrate With Hats From Around the World

Dr. Steven Clift and his wife, Anna Asiatidou Clift, are taking over as Arkansas Area Coordinators from Dolena and Walter Kann, who are retiring from the position. Dolena recently celebrated her 90th birthday and Walter, now wheel-chair bound, is 95 years young. Driving to the meetings has become difficult.

Clift reports that the chapter met on Nov. 2, starting with a noon luncheon at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in Little Rock. He reports that dessert and coffee followed at the nearby charming home of Sandi and Aaron Lubin. The topic was, “Where’d You Get That Hat?” (perhaps inspired by the Colorado chapter in the September issue of the Centurian?) There was also a guest speaker, Cora Lee Brannon, from the Clinton School of Public Service. A toast was given for the Kanns as they earn the chapter’s emeritus status.

The Clifts said the next meeting is tentatively set for May 24 at the home of Debra and Denny Grandle.

Irene Gray models a hat from China at the November 2013 Arkansas gathering.
Irene Gray models a hat from China at the November 2013 Arkansas gathering.
Arkansas members and guests sporting hats from around the world at the November 2013 Arkansas Chapter meeting. Back row, left to right: Steven Clift (in keffiyeh Arabic headgear), guest Phil Cromer, Dennis Grandle (Burma), Dick Brannon (New Zealand), Aaron (Russia), Charles Merkle (Afghanistan); front row, left to right: Carolyn Oudin (Cuba), CoraLee Brannon (guest speaker from the Clinton school of Public Service), Laetitia Tokplo-Benin (traditional dress), Marc Oudin (Panama hat) and Sandi Lubin (Ecuador).
Arkansas members and guests sporting hats from around the world at the November 2013 Arkansas Chapter meeting. Back row, left to right: Steven Clift (in keffiyeh Arabic headgear), guest Phil Cromer, Dennis Grandle (Burma), Dick Brannon (New Zealand), Aaron (Russia), Charles Merkle (Afghanistan); front row, left to right: Carolyn Oudin (Cuba), CoraLee Brannon (guest speaker from the Clinton school of Public Service), Laetitia Tokplo-Benin (traditional dress), Marc Oudin (Panama hat) and Sandi Lubin (Ecuador).


Arkansas members and guests enjoying a November 2013 luncheon  at the Pleasant Valley Country Club.
Arkansas members and guests enjoying a November 2013 luncheon at the Pleasant Valley Country Club.