Report From the October New England Chapter Meeting on Boston’s Beacon Hill

The New England TCC Chapter gathered on the beautiful roof deck of Joelle and Harvey Wartosky‘s home on Beacon Hill in Boston on Saturday, Oct. 5. Members regaled each other with their most memorable travel experiences and shared about upcoming journeys. We were delighted that TCC Executive Board Member Kevin Hughes joined us. Kevin shared some “show and tell” items that he foraged from the rubble of Moammar Gaddafi’s house in Libya, including a piece of tile and a movie about Stalin. See photos below.

Pictured from top left: Harvey Wartosky, Ned Leigh, Nils Bormanis, Marjorie Ramsey, Daan Sandee, Noel Mann, Tom Seeman, and TCC Executive Board member Kevin Hughes. Pictured on bottom row from left: Joelle Wartosky and Arvi Bahal. Not pictured: New England Area Coordinator Dave Santulli and Themis Stoumbelis.
Pictured from top left: Harvey Wartosky, Ned Leigh, Nils Bormanis, Marjorie Ramsey, Daan Sandee, Noel Mann, Tom Seeman, and TCC Executive Board member Kevin Hughes. Pictured on bottom row from left: Joelle Wartosky and Arvi Bahal. Not pictured: New England Area Coordinator Dave Santulli and Themis Stoumbelis.
TCC Board Memer Kevin Hughes and Arvi Bahal pictured with a piece of tile and a Stalin video from Moammar Gaddafi's house in Libya.
TCC Board Memer Kevin Hughes and Arvi Bahal pictured with a piece of tile and a Stalin video from Moammar Gaddafi’s house in Libya.