Fabulous Fall Gathering for TCC Members in the Boston Area

I am pleased to announce a fabulous fall gathering at the Beacon Hill home of TCC members Harvey and Joëlle Wartosky on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 1 to 4 p.m. Come share travel tales and advice from the world’s most remote destinations! Not sure the best way to get to Lakshadweep or Mayotte? You have found the right place to find out! Share your travel passions and plans with like-minded friends!

Harvey and Joëlle will graciously provide snacks and refreshments. Please feel free to bring something along if you wish.

RSVP by Sept. 20 to Joëlle Wartosky at joelle@wartoskygroup.com and New England Area Coordinator Dave Santulli at dave@unitedplanet.org. Please feel free to reach out to Harvey and Joëlle directly at their home: (617) 720-1993 or on Harvey’s cell, (617) 851-9024, with any questions.

Look forward to seeing you in October! Until then, safe travels!

David Santulli, Area Coordinator