Hello World Travelers,
On Saturday, Jan. 21, in Toronto, TCC Canada members and many more TCC global members via Zoom, were treated to an incredible presentation by astronaut Dr. Dave Williams.
Dr. Williams shared spectacular photos and video of his shuttle launches and space walks and his time in the international space station. We marveled at incredible photos — many of which he took from space — of many TCC destinations we have visited on the ground.
In a very humble way, this proud Canadian recounted how he became interested in space as a young boy, was one of six Canadian astronauts chosen out of 5,330 applicants and became the first non-American to be hired on NASA’s senior management team. An extended question and answer session with Dr. Dave proved fascinating as well.
Dr. Dave also became an accomplished author, penning seven books — including his latest, I Am Taller in Space.
More book info available here: https://www.astrodavemd.ca/books
Many thanks to Charles Merkel (who runs the TCC Virtual Explorations series) for editing the recorded video of Dr. Dave’s TCC Canada presentation shown here:
Also special congrats to two very accomplished TCC Canada world travelers who reached the 150 countries and territories milestone: Colin Stevenson and David Selley. Well done, gents!
Our next 2023 TCC Canada meetings are scheduled as follows:
- May 6
- Sept. 9
- Dec. 2
More information to follow.
Til then, wishing you happy travelling!
Rick Shaver
TCC Canada Chapter Coordinator