On Jan. 19, nine hearty souls who were not traveling braved the cold and snow to meet at the Blue Bonnet Café to talk about travel. We congratulated Donna Kutter on her full TCC membership, having now visited 100 countries! Donna has added 25 countries to her list in the past four years since she became a provisional member with 75 countries, and she has a plan to reach 150 in the next few years. We also welcomed new provisional member Elizabeth Cohill.
Member Eliot Baskin told us of the month he spent in Surinam, South America, last year, discussing the climate and amazing history of this quirky, very diverse culture. He served as Rabbi during High Holidays for a small congregation whose synagogue sits directly opposite the country’s largest mosque. He encouraged us to visit there and to spend enough time in the countries we visit to really learn about the people and the culture.
Phyllis McGuire, Co-Coordinator
Colorado TCC Chapter