Retired Foreign Service Officer to Host June New England Gathering

Springfield, MA, will be the location for the summer New England gathering on June 26, reports Dave Santulli, Area Coordinator. Anush Dawidjan will host the gathering at her home at the Classical High Condos, a historic building, built in 1897 in downtown Springfield. She is a retired Foreign Service Officer and will discuss her various assignments in Niamey, Niger; Tokyo, and Hong Kong. She also lived and worked in England and Germany. She plans to reach her goal of 200 TCC countries by her 60th birthday next year. She will provide a light lunch and asks for a contribution of $10 for those attending. See the web for driving and parking directions and other activities that members can enjoy in the Springfield area. Members are asked to RSVP to and to If you have questions, call Anush at 413-262-0940.