Inaugural Western Canada Gathering Draws TCC Members from Three Provinces

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]”Come Hell or High Water,” the unofficial theme for this year’s Calgary Stampede, was fitting for the gathering of Western Canada TCC chapter. Members united from every direction across three provinces for the first time and enjoyed a Western-themed BBQ held at the home of Area Coordinator Tim Skeet.

TCC member Leo Brietzke, brought a professionally published photo album of his and Edna‘s travels spanning 50 years. A crowd favorite was the photo of them with the Queen Mum. John Deacon, a TCC gold member at 234 countries, shared his passion for capturing photos of courthouses around the world, and our newest (and furthest west member), Billie Helps, shared about her next four trips … this year! We see a silver pin in the near future for her.

In addition to area members and guests, two special visitors from Hessen, Germany, Lisa Becker and Yannick Hardt, were staying with Lana and Tim for the summer. At 16 years of age, they were wide-eyed by the travel stories and experiences shared. Serendipitously, through the common bond of travel, both befriended the daughter of member guest, Rae. In addition to a lasting friendship, we see the promise of future TCC members in Germany and Canada.

The meeting was a great social opportunity for members to learn more about each other and discuss past and upcoming travels. ATim, pieced together a light agenda aimed at learning more about each other, discussing what “we hope to achieve for our chapter,” and bridging on the great work paved by Eastern Canada chapter coordinator Rick Shaver. Unanimously, social gatherings and formulating ideas for future travels were at the top of the list. On the topic of future trips, we even discussed the idea of a Canadian-led TCC trip once a year. Communicating with each other was actively discussed, and to start, Tim, will compile a current member directory and establish communication channels for members.

One fun question asked of everyone at the luncheon was to “name something in your first aid kit that you always take with you.” Answers ranged from WD40, drain stop and ear plugs, to ginger pills, squash ball (as a drain stop) and rehydration tablets. Everyone was quite intrigued.

What is the hardest challenge for the Western Canada Chapter going forward? Firming up a mutually agreeable date and place to meet. We agreed that this is a good problem to have because everyone is fiercely traveling around the world. As recommended by BC resident, Billie, and agreed upon by MB resident, John, we will stage the next couple meetings in centrally located Calgary. This will be beneficial to allowing the chapter to gain momentum. Next meeting is planned for Saturday, Oct 19, in Calgary. Location: TBA.